CRAN Package Check Results for Maintainer ‘Hugo Pedder <hugopedder at>’

Last updated on 2022-04-24 03:52:55 CEST.

MBNMAdose 2 4 6
MBNMAtime 1 11

Package MBNMAdose

Current CRAN status: ERROR: 2, NOTE: 4, OK: 6

Version: 0.4.1
Check: data for non-ASCII characters
Result: NOTE
     Note: found 6 marked Latin-1 strings
Flavors: r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-clang, r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-gcc, r-release-macos-arm64, r-release-macos-x86_64, r-oldrel-macos-arm64, r-oldrel-macos-x86_64

Version: 0.4.1
Check: examples
Result: ERROR
    Running examples in ‘MBNMAdose-Ex.R’ failed
    The error most likely occurred in:
    > ### Name: get.relative
    > ### Title: Calculates relative effects between treatments in an MBNMA model
    > ### Aliases: get.relative
    > ### ** Examples
    > # Using the osteoarthritis data
    > network <-
    Values for `agent` with dose = 0 have been recoded to `Placebo`
    agent is being recoded to enforce sequential numbering and allow inclusion of `Placebo`
    Values for `class` with dose = 0 have been recoded to `Placebo`
    class is being recoded to enforce sequential numbering and allow inclusion of `Placebo`
    > expon <-, fun=dexp(), method="random")
    'onset' parameters are on exponential scale to ensure they take positive values on the natural scale
    `likelihood` not given by user - set to `normal` based on data provided
    `link` not given by user - set to `identity` based on assigned value for `likelihood`
    .onLoad failed in loadNamespace() for 'rjags', details:
     call: dyn.load(file, DLLpath = DLLpath, ...)
     error: unable to load shared object '/Volumes/Builds/packages/high-sierra-x86_64/Rlib/4.1/rjags/libs/':
     dlopen(/Volumes/Builds/packages/high-sierra-x86_64/Rlib/4.1/rjags/libs/, 10): Library not loaded: /usr/local/lib/libjags.4.dylib
     Referenced from: /Volumes/Builds/packages/high-sierra-x86_64/Rlib/4.1/rjags/libs/
     Reason: image not found>
    > # Calculate relative effects between:
    > # Celebrex 100mg/d, Celebrex 200mg/d, Tramadol 100mg/d
    > rel.eff <- get.relative(expon, treatments=list("Celebrex"=c(100,200), "Tramadol"=100))
    Error in get.relative(expon, treatments = list(Celebrex = c(100, 200), :
     1 assertions failed:
     * Variable 'mbnma': Must inherit from class 'mbnma', but has class
     * 'list'.
    Calls: get.relative -> <Anonymous>
    Execution halted
Flavors: r-release-macos-x86_64, r-oldrel-macos-x86_64

Version: 0.4.1
Check: re-building of vignette outputs
Result: WARN
    Error(s) in re-building vignettes:
    --- re-building ‘mbnmadose.Rmd’ using rmarkdown
    Values for `agent` with dose = 0 have been recoded to `Placebo`
    agent is being recoded to enforce sequential numbering and allow inclusion of `Placebo`
    Values for `agent` with dose = 0 have been recoded to `Placebo`
    agent is being recoded to enforce sequential numbering and allow inclusion of `Placebo`
    Quitting from lines 208-211 (mbnmadose.Rmd)
    Error: processing vignette 'mbnmadose.Rmd' failed with diagnostics:
    .onLoad failed in loadNamespace() for 'rjags', details:
     call: dyn.load(file, DLLpath = DLLpath, ...)
     error: unable to load shared object '/Volumes/Builds/packages/high-sierra-x86_64/Rlib/4.1/rjags/libs/':
     dlopen(/Volumes/Builds/packages/high-sierra-x86_64/Rlib/4.1/rjags/libs/, 10): Library not loaded: /usr/local/lib/libjags.4.dylib
     Referenced from: /Volumes/Builds/packages/high-sierra-x86_64/Rlib/4.1/rjags/libs/
     Reason: image not found
    --- failed re-building ‘mbnmadose.Rmd’
    SUMMARY: processing the following file failed:
    Error: Vignette re-building failed.
    Execution halted
Flavors: r-release-macos-x86_64, r-oldrel-macos-x86_64

Package MBNMAtime

Current CRAN status: NOTE: 1, OK: 11

Version: 0.2.1
Check: Rd cross-references
Result: NOTE
    Undeclared package ‘gemtc’ in Rd xrefs
Flavor: r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-clang