Starting from netCDF files

G. Brooke Anderson, Elizabeth A. Barnes


Climate model output files are available for CMIP5 in the netCDF file format. This vignette explains how files in this format can be opened and worked with in R to generate the required delimited format to use with the futureheatwaves package. It also provides details on CMIP5 climate model output files in general.

Downloading netCDF files for CMIP5

The Coupled Model Intercomparison Project is a key source of climate model output data for researchers studying the potential impact of climate change. This project is currently in its fifth phase (CMIP5). You can download netCDF files from CMIP5 from the World Climate Research Programme CMIP5 website at, hosted by the Department of Energy’s Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. The data is stored and distributed across multiple data nodes at different institutions, but this and other data portals allow access to all available data through one website. You will need to register to download climate model output data.

There are a number of parameters that can be used to search files, including:

You can download files from using a point-and-click interface, but you can also use their ESGF Search RESTful API to create a wget script that can be used to download many files at once and to later update files by only downloading those that have changed since the last download. These climate model output files can be very large, so be sure you have adequate disk space before downloading.

Working with netCDF files in R

To try out the examples in this section, you will need to download the following climate model output file to your own computer from and save it in a “tmp” subdirectory of your home directory:

As a note, the CMIP5 file names encode information about the climate model output given in the file, including the variable (here, “tas”, the near-surface air temperature), the experiment (“historical”), the dates covered by the output (Jan. 1, 1986 to Dec. 31, 1990), the climate model (“GFDL-ESM2G”, from the NOAA Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory), the time step of the output (“day”), and the ensemble member (“r1i1p1”).

Three R packages— ncdf4, ncdf4.helpers, and PCICt—provide useful tools for working with netCDF climate model output files.


Some of the standard tidyverse packages are also helpful and should be loaded to run the example code in this vignette:


You can read netCDF data in R using the ncdf4 package. You can use the nc_open function from the ncdf4 package to open a connection to a netCDF file. The version of netCDF changed from version 3 to version 4 in 2008, and some R packages for netCDF files will only work with the older version 3, but the ncdf4 package can work with either.

climate_filepath <- paste0("~/tmp/tas_day_GFDL-ESM2G_rcp85",
climate_output <- nc_open(climate_filepath)

The nc_open function opens a connection to the netCDF file, but does not read all the data in the file into memory. Instead, this function reads into memory some information about the file, and it opens a connection that can be used in conjunction with other commands to read in specific parts of the data. Once you no longer need the file connection, you should close the connection with nc_close.

If you print the object created by nc_open, you will get some metadata on the file, including the variables that are available in the file, which are used for dimensions, and what units each are in. For example, here is the output returned for the “” from CMIP5:

File ~/tmp/ (NC_FORMAT_64BIT):

     8 variables (excluding dimension variables):
        double average_DT[time]   
            long_name: Length of average period
            units: days
        double average_T1[time]   
            long_name: Start time for average period
            units: days since 2006-01-01 00:00:00
        double average_T2[time]   
            long_name: End time for average period
            units: days since 2006-01-01 00:00:00
        float tas[lon,lat,time]   
            long_name: Near-Surface Air Temperature
            units: K
            valid_range: 100
             valid_range: 400
            cell_methods: time: mean
            coordinates: height
            missing_value: 1.00000002004088e+20
            _FillValue: 1.00000002004088e+20
            standard_name: air_temperature
            original_units: deg_k
            original_name: t_ref
            cell_measures: area: areacella
            associated_files: baseURL: areacella:
        double time_bnds[bnds,time]   
            long_name: time axis boundaries
            units: days since 2006-01-01 00:00:00
        double height[]   
            units: m
            positive: up
            long_name: height
            standard_name: height
            axis: Z
        double lat_bnds[bnds,lat]   
        double lon_bnds[bnds,lon]   

     4 dimensions:
        time  Size:1825   *** is unlimited ***
            long_name: time
            units: days since 2006-01-01 00:00:00
            cartesian_axis: T
            calendar_type: noleap
            calendar: noleap
            bounds: time_bnds
            standard_name: time
            axis: T
        lat  Size:90
            long_name: latitude
            units: degrees_north
            standard_name: latitude
            axis: Y
            bounds: lat_bnds
        lon  Size:144
            long_name: longitude
            units: degrees_east
            standard_name: longitude
            axis: X
            bounds: lon_bnds
        bnds  Size:2
            long_name: vertex number
            cartesian_axis: N

    27 global attributes:
        title: NOAA GFDL GFDL-ESM2G, RCP8.5 (run 1) experiment output for CMIP5 AR5
        institute_id: NOAA GFDL
        source: GFDL-ESM2G 2010 ocean: TOPAZ (TOPAZ1p2,Tripolar360x210L63); atmosphere: AM2 (AM2p14,M45L24); sea ice: SIS (SISp2,Tripolar360x210L63); land: LM3 (LM3p7_cESM,M45)
        project_id: CMIP5
        table_id: Table day (31 Jan 2011)
        experiment_id: rcp85
        realization: 1
        modeling_realm: atmos
        tracking_id: 547a3ae9-d62c-4ef5-91f3-3846156ca0ce
        Conventions: CF-1.4
        references: The GFDL Data Portal ( provides access to NOAA/GFDL's publicly available model input and output data sets. From this web site one can view and download data sets and documentation, including those related to the GFDL coupled models experiments run for the IPCC's 5th Assessment Report and the US CCSP.
        comment: GFDL experiment name = ESM2G-HC2_2006-2100_all_rcp85_ZC2. PCMDI experiment name = RCP8.5 (run1). Initial conditions for this experiment were taken from 1 January 2006 of the parent experiment, ESM2G-C2_all_historical_HC2 (historical). Several forcing agents varied during the 95 year duration of the RCP8.5 experiment based upon the MESSAGE integrated assessment model for the 21st century. The time-varying forcing agents include the well-mixed greenhouse gases (CO2, CH4, N2O, halons), tropospheric and stratospheric O3, model-derived aerosol concentrations (sulfate, black and organic carbon, sea salt and dust), and land use transitions. Volcanic  aerosols were zero and solar irradiance varied seasonally based upon late 20th century averages but with no interannual variation. The direct effect of tropospheric aerosols is calculated by the model, but not the indirect effects.
        gfdl_experiment_name: ESM2G-HC2_2006-2100_all_rcp85_ZC2
        creation_date: 2011-11-21T22:35:45Z
        model_id: GFDL-ESM2G
        branch_time: 52925
        experiment: RCP8.5
        forcing: GHG,SD,Oz,LU,SS,BC,MD,OC (GHG includes CO2, CH4, N2O, CFC11, CFC12, HCFC22, CFC113)
        frequency: day
        initialization_method: 1
        parent_experiment_id: historical
        physics_version: 1
        product: output1
        institution: NOAA GFDL(201 Forrestal Rd, Princeton, NJ, 08540)
        history: File was processed by fremetar (GFDL analog of CMOR). TripleID: [exper_id_4Uu6vwuRdV,realiz_id_guLAFs4zpC,run_id_19LHaF9KF9]
        parent_experiment_rip: r1i1p1

Once you know the names of variables in the file, you can use the ncvar_get function to read all values of that variable into an R object. For example, to get all the values of longitude and latitude in the example file, which define two of the dimensions of the array for the temperature values reported in the file, you can run:

lon <- ncvar_get(climate_output, varid = "lon")
lat <- ncvar_get(climate_output, varid = "lat")

##    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
##    1.25   90.63  180.00  180.00  269.40  358.80
##    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
##  -89.49  -45.00    0.00    0.00   45.00   89.49

In addition to the longitude and latitude dimensions, the climate model output files also include a time dimension. The metadata for the file includes information on how this time is reported, which is typically in days since some origin date for climate model output. These origin dates can vary across climate models. This information is included in the $dim$time$units element of the R object returned with nc_open:

## [1] "days since 2006-01-01 00:00:00"

While the R function as.Date allows the user to specify an origin to use to compute a date, this function typically will not work correctly with climate model output files, as climate models often provide output using calendars other than the standard Gregorian calendar. Climate model output can be tied to a number of different calendars, including a “no-leap” calendar, which omits leap days from the calendar, a 360-day calendar, which uses 30-day months for all 12 months, and a number of other calendars. You can determine the calendar used for a netCDF file from the $dim$time$calendar element of the R object returns with nc_open:

## [1] "noleap"

This use of non-standard calendars messes up the calculations of as.Date, so you must use a more specialized function to read in the time variable of the climate model output and map it to standard calendar dates. You can do this with the nc.get.time.series function from the ncdf4.helpers package (you should also load the PCICt package to use this function):

tas_time <- nc.get.time.series(climate_output, v = "tas",
                      = "time")
tas_time[c(1:3, length(tas_time) - 2:0)]
## [1] "2071-01-01 12:00:00" "2071-01-02 12:00:00" "2071-01-03 12:00:00"
## [4] "2075-12-29 12:00:00" "2075-12-30 12:00:00" "2075-12-31 12:00:00"

The longitude, latitude, and time variables define the dimensions for climate model output for variables given at a single depth (e.g., near-surface variables; other variables like ocean temperature may also have a depth or pressure dimension). For the example file, this is the near-surface air temperature at a specific grid point (longitude, latitude) and day (time). You can read in this main variable using ncvar_get:

tas <- ncvar_get(climate_output, "tas")

This variable is in a 3-dimensional array, with dimensions ordered as first longitude, then latitude, then time:

## [1]  144   90 1825
## [1] 144
## [1] 90
## [1] 1825

You can use indexing to pull the modeled temperature at a certain location and time step. For example, Beijing, China, is at latitude 39.9 degrees north and 116.4 degrees east. To get the value of the modeled temperature on July 15, 2075, at the model grid point closest to Beijing, you can run (the units on the output are Kelvin):

lon_index <- which.min(abs(lon - 116.4))
lat_index <- which.min(abs(lat - 39.9))
time_index <- which(format(tas_time, "%Y-%m-%d") == "2075-07-15")
tas[lon_index, lat_index, time_index]
## [1] 293.3458

If you only want to read in a certain section of the data from the netCDF, you can do that using the function from the package ncdf4.helpers. For example, to get and plot the full time series of modeled temperature at the grid point closest to Beijing, you can run:

lon_index <- which.min(abs(lon - 116.4))
lat_index <- which.min(abs(lat - 39.9))
tas <-, "tas",
                                 axis.indices = list(X = lon_index,
                                                     Y = lat_index))
data_frame(time = tas_time, 
           tas = as.vector(tas)) %>%
        mutate(time = as.Date(format(time, "%Y-%m-%d"))) %>%
        ggplot(aes(x = time, y = tas)) + 
        geom_line() + 
        xlab("Date") + ylab("Temperature (K)") + 
        ggtitle("Daily modeled near-surface air temprature, 2071-2075",
                subtitle = "At model grid point nearest Beijing, China") + 

Note that this code uses format and as.Date to convert the PCICt object to a date object, to allow use of a date axis when plotting with ggplot2.

To get the modeled temperature on July 15, 2075, at all grid point locations, you can run:

july_15_2075 <-, "tas",
                                          axis.indices = list(T = time_index))
july_15_2075[1:3, 1:3, ]
##          [,1]     [,2]     [,3]
## [1,] 218.8687 214.4591 219.0996
## [2,] 218.8718 214.2570 218.6634
## [3,] 218.8741 213.7723 217.6466

This modeled temperature data for a single day can be mapped using ggmap and ggplot2 functions (the viridis package is also used here for the color scale and the weathermetrics package to convert the temperature from Kelvin to Celsius). Because the data is a three-dimensional array, where the first element is specific to longitude and the second to latitude. To tidy this data to make it easier to map with ggplot2, you can use expand.grid to create a dataframe with every combination of longitude and latitude, and then use as.vector with the temperature values for July 15, 2075, to add temperature values at each of these longitudes and latitudes. Because the longitude dimension precedes the latitude dimension in the tas array, it should be put first in the expand.grid so that longitude and latitude values align correctly with the unlisted temperature data. If longitude is expressed between 0 and 360 degrees, it should be mutated to have values between -180 and 180 to work better with ggplot2 mapping.

time_index <- which(format(tas_time, "%Y-%m-%d") == "2075-07-15")
tas <-, "tas",
                                 axis.indices = list(T = time_index))
expand.grid(lon, lat) %>%
        rename(lon = Var1, lat = Var2) %>%
        mutate(lon = ifelse(lon > 180, -(360 - lon), lon),
               tas = as.vector(tas)) %>% 
        mutate(tas = convert_temperature(tas, "k", "c")) %>%
        ggplot() + 
        geom_point(aes(x = lon, y = lat, color = tas),
                   size = 0.8) + 
        borders("world", colour="black", fill=NA) + 
        scale_color_viridis(name = "Temperature (C)") + 
        theme_void() + 
        coord_quickmap() + 
        ggtitle("Modeled temperature on a day in July 2075",
                subtitle = "GFDL-ESM2G model, RCP8.5 experiment, r1i1p1 ensemble member") 

Once you have read all variables into R objects, you can close the file using:


Working with climate model output data with other R packages

The RCMIP5 package

The RCMIP5 package (Todd-Brown and Bond-Lamberty 2015) can also be used to work with climate model output data. Some functions in this package only work with monthly or less frequent data (checkTimePeriod, cmip5data, functions that work with cmip5data objects like filterDimensions and getProjectionMatrix). The package’s getFileInfo function, however, will work with CMIP5 files of any time step; this function identifies all CMIP5 files in a directory and creates a dataframe that parses the information contained in the file name. For example, if you download the CMIP5 files required for the next section of the vignette in the “tmp” subdirectory of your home directory, you can parse their filenames to get information about the files by running:

##                   path
## 1 /Users/_gbanders/tmp
## 2 /Users/_gbanders/tmp
## 3 /Users/_gbanders/tmp
## 4 /Users/_gbanders/tmp
##                                                 filename variable domain
## 1 tas_day_GFDL-ESM2G_historical_r1i1p1_19860101-19901231      tas    day
## 2 tas_day_GFDL-ESM2G_historical_r1i1p1_19910101-19951231      tas    day
## 3      tas_day_GFDL-ESM2G_rcp85_r1i1p1_20710101-20751231      tas    day
## 4      tas_day_GFDL-ESM2G_rcp85_r1i1p1_20760101-20801231      tas    day
##        model experiment ensemble              time   size
## 1 GFDL-ESM2G historical   r1i1p1 19860101-19901231 92487K
## 2 GFDL-ESM2G historical   r1i1p1 19910101-19951231 92487K
## 3 GFDL-ESM2G      rcp85   r1i1p1 20710101-20751231 92487K
## 4 GFDL-ESM2G      rcp85   r1i1p1 20760101-20801231 92487K

While the loadCMIP5 function does successfully load the daily data as a cmip5data object, it seems that most of the methods for this object type do not do anything meaningful for data at this time resolution.

The wux package

The wux package (Mendlik, Heinrich, and Leuprecht 2016) includes functions that allow the user to download CMIP5 monthly-aggregated output directly from within R with the CMIP5fromESGF function. However, this function does not allow downloading of climate model output with finer time steps, like daily data.

This package uses the models2wux function to read in climate model output netCDF files and convert to a WUX dataframe that can be used by other functions in the package. While this function can input climate model output with daily time steps, if the element “what.timesteps” of the modelinput list input is set to “daily”, the function aggregates this data to a monthly or less frequent (e.g., seasonal) aggregation when creating the WUX dataframe. Therefore, while this package provides very useful functionality for working with averaged output of daily climate model output data, it cannot easily be used to identify and characterize multi-day extreme events like heat waves.

Processing climate model output data to use with futureheatwaves

To try out the examples in this section, you will need to download the following climate model output files to your own computer from and save them in a “tmp” subdirectory of your home directory:

The futureheatwaves package requires that climate output files are in a certain output to be processed. The data in the climate model output netCDF must be saved in three files: one for time, one for grid point location (latitude and longitude), and one for the climate model output variable (e.g., temperature in the example file used in this case).

The following function can be used to correctly format and save the data from the climate model output netCDF file in a way that will allow processing by the futureheatwaves package. Note that, when the data for a single ensemble member of one climate model and experiment is split across multiple files, the data from later files should be appended to the delimited file written out with data from the first file. Further, if you are only studying a certain region, you can subset the climate model output to just the latitude-longitude ranges of that region before writing out delimited files, which will save space for saving those files. In this example, we have subset data to latitude-longitude ranges appropriate for China (70 to 140 degrees east for longitude and 15 to 60 degrees north for latitude).

# Load required libraries

#' Function to process CMIP5 netCDF files to format required by 
#'    `futureheatwaves` package
#' filepath: A character vector giving the path to the netCDF 
#'    climate model output file
#' output_dir: A character vector giving the path to the directory 
#'    where output should be saved
#' var: The climate model variable ("tas" is near-surface air temperature)
#' append: Logical specifying whether results should be appended to 
#'     existing files in the output directory
#' lon_range: If not NULL, a length two numerical vector giving the range
#'    of longitudes to be saved. Values should be in degrees east in the 
#'    0 to 360 degree range.
#' lat_range: If not NULL, a length two numerical vector giving the range
#'    of latitudes to be saved. Values should be in degrees north in the 
#     -90 to 90 range. 
process_cmip5_file <- function(filepath, output_dir, 
                               var = "tas",
                               append = FALSE, 
                               lon_range = NULL, 
                               lat_range = NULL){
        # Open netCDF connection, read in dimensions and climate variable
        climate_output <- ncdf4::nc_open(filepath)
        lon <- ncdf4::ncvar_get(climate_output, "lon")
        lat <- ncdf4::ncvar_get(climate_output, "lat")
        tas_time <- ncdf4.helpers::nc.get.time.series(climate_output, 
                                                      v = var,
                                             = "time")
        tas <- ncdf4::ncvar_get(climate_output, var)
        # Print out converted time and filepath name to ensure that 
        # time was converted correctly based on calendar
        cat(paste("First and last two dates processed for file named\n",
                  filepath, "are:\n"))
        print(format(tas_time[c(1:2, length(tas_time) - 1:0)],
        # If requested, limit to certain ranges of latitude and/or longitude
                lon_range <- sort(lon_range)
                lon_index <- which(lon_range[1] <= lon & 
                                           lon <= lon_range[2]) 
                lon <- lon[lon_index]
                tas <- tas[lon_index, , ]
                lat_range <- sort(lat_range)
                lat_index <- which(lat_range[1] <= lat & 
                                           lat <= lat_range[2]) 
                lat <- lat[lat_index]
                tas <- tas[ , lat_index, ]
        # Change to appropriate format for futureheatwaves package
        time_output <- dplyr::data_frame(index = 1:length(tas_time),
                                         time = format(tas_time, 
                                                       "%Y-%m-%d")) %>%
                tidyr::separate(time, c("year", "month", "day")) %>%
                dplyr::mutate(year = as.integer(year),
                              month = as.integer(month),
                              day = as.integer(day))
        coordinate_output <- expand.grid(lon, lat) %>%
                dplyr::rename("lon" = Var1) %>%
                dplyr::rename("lat" = Var2) %>%
                dplyr::select(lat, lon)
        tas_output <- matrix(unlist(tas), 
                             ncol = length(lon) * length(lat),
                             byrow = TRUE) %>%
        # Write out to files
        if(!append & !dir.exists(output_dir)){
                dir.create(output_dir, recursive = TRUE)
                         path = paste0(output_dir, "/time_day.csv"),
                         col_names = FALSE, append = append)
                         path = paste0(output_dir,
                         col_names = FALSE)
                         path = paste0(output_dir, "/tas_day.csv"),
                         col_names = FALSE, append = append)

Here is an example of using this function to process several CMIP5 netCDF files into the format required by the futureheatwaves package and saving the results in a “dataFolder” subdirectory of the “tmp” subdirectory of your home directory:

# Process two historical files for the GFDL-ESM2G model's r1i1p1
# ensemble, historical experiment
process_cmip5_file(filepath = paste0("~/tmp/tas_day_GFDL-ESM2G_",
                    output_dir = "~/tmp/dataFolder/historical/GFDL/r1i1p1",
                    lon_range = c(70, 140),
                    lat_range = c(15, 60))
process_cmip5_file(filepath = paste0("~/tmp/tas_day_GFDL-ESM2G_",
                    output_dir = "~/tmp/dataFolder/historical/GFDL/r1i1p1",
                    lon_range = c(70, 140),
                    lat_range = c(15, 60),
                    append = TRUE)
## First and last two dates processed for file named
##  ~/tmp/ are:
## [1] "1986-01-01" "1986-01-02" "1990-12-30" "1990-12-31"
## First and last two dates processed for file named
##  ~/tmp/ are:
## [1] "1991-01-01" "1991-01-02" "1995-12-30" "1995-12-31"
# Process two scenario files for the GFDL-ESM2G model's r1i1p1
# ensemble, RCP8.5 experiment
process_cmip5_file(filepath = paste0("~/tmp/tas_day_GFDL-ESM2G_",
                    output_dir = "~/tmp/dataFolder/rcp85/GFDL/r1i1p1",
                    lon_range = c(70, 140),
                    lat_range = c(15, 60))
process_cmip5_file(filepath = paste0("~/tmp/tas_day_GFDL-ESM2G_",
                    output_dir = "~/tmp/dataFolder/rcp85/GFDL/r1i1p1",
                    lon_range = c(70, 140),
                    lat_range = c(15, 60),
                    append = TRUE)
## First and last two dates processed for file named
##  ~/tmp/ are:
## [1] "2071-01-01" "2071-01-02" "2075-12-30" "2075-12-31"
## First and last two dates processed for file named
##  ~/tmp/ are:
## [1] "2076-01-01" "2076-01-02" "2080-12-30" "2080-12-31"

The data can now be processed by the futureheatwaves package. For example, to identify and characterize all heatwaves between 2071 and 2080 at the cities listed in the “chinese_cities.csv” file that comes with the package:

city_file_location <- system.file("extdata/chinese_cities.csv",
                                 package = "futureheatwaves")
gen_hw_set(out = "~/tmp/example_results",
           dataFolder = "~/tmp/dataFolder",
           dataDirectories = list("historical" = c(1986, 1995),
                                  "rcp85" = c(2071, 2080)),
           citycsv = city_file_location,
           coordinateFilenames = "latitude_longitude_day.csv",
           tasFilenames = "tas_day.csv",
           timeFilenames = "time_day.csv",
           thresholdBoundaries = c(1986, 1995),
           projectionBoundaries = c(2071, 2080),
           referenceBoundaries = c(1986, 1995),
           printWarning = FALSE)
## Processing thresholds for GFDL 
## Reading ---> r1i1p1 
## Read operation complete 
## Processing references for GFDL 
## Reading ---> r1i1p1 
## Read operation complete 
## Processing projections for GFDL 
## Reading ---> r1i1p1 
## Read operation complete 
## Creating dataframe ~~ City:  Shanghai  ~~ City Number:  1  ~~ Cutoff:  300.9392 
## Creating dataframe ~~ City:  Beijing  ~~ City Number:  2  ~~ Cutoff:  300.7005 
## Creating dataframe ~~ City:  Xi'an  ~~ City Number:  3  ~~ Cutoff:  298.5163 
## Creating dataframe ~~ City:  Harbin  ~~ City Number:  4  ~~ Cutoff:  295.8038 
## Creating dataframe ~~ City:  Nanjing  ~~ City Number:  5  ~~ Cutoff:  300.9024 
## Creating dataframe ~~ City:  Wuhan  ~~ City Number:  6  ~~ Cutoff:  300.1856 
## Creating dataframe ~~ City:  Taiyuan  ~~ City Number:  7  ~~ Cutoff:  300.7942 
## Creating dataframe ~~ City:  Changchun  ~~ City Number:  8  ~~ Cutoff:  296.1751 
## Creating dataframe ~~ City:  Hangzhou  ~~ City Number:  9  ~~ Cutoff:  302.5694 
## Writing GFDL: r1i1p1
## Writing accumulators 
## All operations completed. Exiting.
##   modelName length.histens. length.rcpens.
## 1      GFDL               1              1

You can then work with this output as with any output from gen_hw_set. For example, if using the development version of futureheatwaves available through GitHub, you can create a plot of city and matching grid point locations using:

out <- "~/tmp/example_results"
map_grid_ggmap(plot_model = "GFDL", out = out)

You can use apply_all_models to apply functions to explore the heatwave output. For example, you can determine the number of heatwaves in each community and the average temperature of heatwaves in each community using:

apply_all_models(out = out, FUN = number_of_heatwaves,
                 city_specific = TRUE) %>%
        mutate(city = fct_reorder(city, value)) %>%
        ggplot(aes(x = city, y = value)) + 
        geom_bar(stat = "identity") + 
        coord_flip() + 
        theme_classic() + 
        ylab("# of heatwaves") + 

apply_all_models(out = out, FUN = average_mean_temp,
                 city_specific = TRUE) %>%
        mutate(value = convert_temperature(value, "k", "c")) %>%
        mutate(city = fct_reorder(city, value)) %>%
        ggplot(aes(x = value, y = city)) + 
        geom_point() +  
        ylab("") + 
        xlab(expression(paste("Average temperature during heatwaves (",
                              degree*C, ")")))


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