2012-01-27 Jun Yan jun.yan@uconn.edu

* Commented out #undef NDEBUG in geesubs.cc.
* Added a VecPrint function in utils.cc to print DVector;
this replaces usage of cerr.

2012-01-09 Jun Yan jun.yan@uconn.edu

* Thank Jeffrey Horner <jeffrey.horner@vanderbilt.edu>
and Cole Beck <cole.beck@vanderbilt.edu> for fixing the
undefined symbol error (see 2011-11-14 entry:
The template function "Valid" (in original geesubs.cc)
should actually be in the header file.
This may fix the compilation error on ubuntu 11.10 too.

2011-11-21 Jun Yan jun.yan@uconn.edu

* Added an example to function relRisk.

2011-11-21 Jun Yan jun.yan@uconn.edu

* Added an example to function compCoef.

* Changed the JSS paper year from 2005 to 2006 in CITATION.

2011-11-16 Jun Yan jun.yan@uconn.edu

* Added function relRisk for relative risk regression
--- regression for binary response with log link.

* Added function relRisk for relative risk regression
--- regression for binary response with log link.

* Added function compCoef for comparing coefficients
of the same sets of covariates between nested models.
This implements the method of Yan, Aseltine, and Harel
(2011, JEBS); for independent data, the method reduces
to Allison (1995, American Journal of Sociology).

* Fixed a bug in c++ code in constructing the working
covariance structure using the regression model of scale.
Simulation tests show improved efficiency in mean parameter
estimation when scale regression is present.

2011-11-15 Soren Hojsgaard sorenh@mail.dk

* Dependence on the doBy package has been removed.

2011-11-14 Jun Yan jun.yan@uconn.edu

    * Added NAMESPACE for to comply with the requirement of R-2.14.0.

* Removed the "assert" lines in utils.cc in order not to crash R,
which is quite rude practice. A "-DNDEBUG" has been added to the
cppflags in Makevars for a better solution. Due to many asserts
in tnt, we cannot get rid of the NOTE message completely:
Found ‘_ZSt4cerr’, possibly from ‘std::cerr’ (C++)
Found ‘__assert_fail’, possibly from ‘assert’ (C)

* Added quote in statements like
extract(m, "response") to get rid of NOTE:
geese: no visible binding for global variable ‘response’

* Added a line of
#undef NDEBUG
to the beginning of geesubs.cc; thank Brian Ripley for the NMU.
Still unclear why the error without this line:
undefined symbol: _Z5ValidIiEN3TNT6VectorIT_EERS3_RNS1_IiEE

2011-02-23 Søren Højsgaard sorenh@agrsci.dk

* In geeglm is checked if the model matrix is rank deficient; if
so then geeglm exits. Thanks to Jason D Thorpe for pointing this out.

* Bug in anova fixed. Thanks to Stefan Boehringer for pointing
this out.

* Version 1.0-18 uploaded.

2010-01-26 Søren Højsgaard sorenh@agrsci.dk

* fixed2Zcor function has been added. This function makes it
easier to work with a fixed correlation matrix (in particular when
cluster sizes are not equal).

* A vignette on models with unequal cluster size, fixed
correlation matrices etc. has been added.

* Version 1.0-17 uploaded

2008-12-08 Søren Højsgaard sorenh@agrsci.dk

* Bugfix in 1.0.15 caused problem in binomial case using
cbind(pos,neg). Thanks to Tobias Verbeke. Fixed now.

* Bugfix in 1.0.15 caused problem when using variables derived
from gam package call to geeglm. Thanks to Eric Rexstad. Fixed now.

* Using scale.fix argument gave problem in geeglm. Thanks to
Tobias Verbeke. Fixed now.

* Fitting large data set with binomial model and 3 measurements
per unit using unstructured correlation crashes R. Thanks to
Tobias Verbeke. Problem has *NOT* been solved but a remark has
been added to doc file.

* Version 1.0-16 uploaded

2008-12-01 Søren Højsgaard sorenh@agrsci.dk

* When a factor has unused levels, the underlying C code
fails. This is now catured in geeglm. Thanks to Janet Young

* tests directory added to package

* Version 1.0-15 uploaded

2007-07-13 Søren Højsgaard sorenh@agrsci.dk

* Smaller 'standardization' changes implemented. Thanks to Achim

* Version 1.0-14 uploaded

2007-03-21 Søren Højsgaard sorenh@agrsci.dk

* A remark on fixed correlation structures has been added to the
geeglm.Rd doc file.

* A Wishlist file has been added

* Version 1.0-13 uploaded

2007-03-21 Søren Højsgaard sorenh@agrsci.dk

* Bug in geeglm fixed so that it now works with a fixed
correlation structure. Thanks to Ulrich Halekoh for the fix.

2006-02-13 Jun Yan jyan@stat.uiowa.edu

* Bug in genZcor and genZodds fixed. 
Thanks to Chongzhi Di <cdi@jhsph.edu>. 
Previously, the matrice generated by genZcor/genZodds are 
wrong when the number of unique waves is greater than or
equal to 10.

2006-01-24 Søren Højsgaard sorenh@agrsci.dk

* Bug in anova.geeglm fixed (showed up when there was only one
term on the right hand side of ~). 

* geeglm only works on complete data. This has been pointed out in
the man pages. (At some point of time, a proper na.action should be

* All datasets are saved as .txt files (previously some were saved
as .rda files but that caused problems in building the package on
windows xp).

2005-08-13 Jun Yan jyan@stat.uiowa.edu

* The working correlation structure can now be "fixed".

2005-06-13 Søren Højsgaard sorenh@agrsci.dk

* Søren Højsgaard has modified the geeglm function so that it can
take the 'waves' argument which is used for explicitely specifying
the ordering of repeated measurements on the same unit. geeglm can
also take the 'zcor' argument for a user defined working
correlation structure. 

* A documentation file for the genZcor
function has been added. 

* All data sets provided are now saved as
text files.

* ordgee has been modified to check if the response variable is an
ordered factor.

* geeglm can now take the argument std.err which specifies the
type of variance estimate to be calculated.

2005-05-11 Søren Højsgaard sorenh@agrsci.dk

* Søren Højsgaard has modified the anova function to make it
calculate the correct degrees of freedom.

2005-04-11 Jun Yan jyan@stat.uiowa.edu

* Søren Højsgaard made some minor changes to geeglm - 
basically, that geese.control did not work. Now it does.

2005-02-09 Jun Yan jyan@stat.uiowa.edu

* Søren Højsgaard joined the development with geeglm, which 
"works like" glm and returns an object which is similar to 
a glm object. Residuals and predicted values can be extracted
using the generic functions as with a glm object. 

* An important feature of geeglm, is that an anova method 
exists for these models.