languageserver 0.3.12

Closed issues:
- Documentation not working with R 4.1.1 (#468) - Clean up dependencies (#470) - Documentation for functions assigned with = differs from functions assigned with <- (#466) - Bug when hovering variables (#463) - Null workspace folder not working with untitled documents (#460)

Merged pull requests: - Add installation steps of OS-specific dependencies (#247) - Use internal get_help instead of repr (#469) - Remove desc from imports (#471) - Fix hover on function defined with EQ_ASSIGN (#467) - Fix several bugs (#464) - Fix handling null workspace folder and untitled document (#461)

languageserver 0.3.11

Closed issues:
- documentation only loaded for packages named in a library() call, not with p_load() (#257) - Minimal {styler} version requirement (#457) - If load package via pacman::p_load(), the autocompletion will be not able to work well (#426) - If I wrap library call in suppressPackageStartUpLanguages, autocompletion won’t work (#451) - Handle workspace/didChangeWatchedFiles (#446) - Environment variable LANG (#435) - Support lambda as function (#427) - Support pipe operator in onTypeFormatting (#430) - Exclusions in .lintr not working (#282) - Packages not loaded prior to linting with coc-r-lsp (#238) - Provide diagnostics on non-installed packages (#80)

Merged pull requests: - Require styler >= 1.5.1 (#458) - Support unscoped functions and library functions (#452) - Handle workspace/didChangeWatchedFiles (#447) - Add code action to disable linters (#408) - Improve handling configuration settings (#439) - check if lintr is new enough (#437) - Use lint text if supported (#284) - output text as is (#436) - consolidate github action jobs (#434) - Lambda support (#428) - Use a function call as the completer in on-type-formatting (#431) - support trace in InitializeParams (#423)

languageserver 0.3.10

Closed issues:
- definitionProvider should work with file path (#415)
- Null value in documentation does not trigger signature (#417)
- Improve completion performance (#412)
- Completion not working before close parenthesis (#410)
- Use styler::style_text(base_indention=) for styler > 1.4.0 (#400)
- Segfault on incorrect coordinates (#395) - Case-insensitive and fuzzy match in completion (#401) - Non-interactive setup of persistent {R.cache} cache for {styler} (#402) - Document link should work with limited file extensions or file size (#391) - get_document_symbol_kind error (#390) - Support Call Hierarchy (#361) - [FR] Display promise / active-binding objects in the OUTLINE (#362)

Merged pull requests: - Definition provider works with file path (#416) - Fix null doc_string in signature (#418) - Faster completion (#413) - fix raw string detection (#411) - Use styler base_indention (#404) - support R 4.0 raw string search (#276) - fix a segfault issue (#407) - Remove symbols starting with ._ from namespace (#406) - Provide case-insensitive completion (#405) - Update (#403) - fix missing whitespace (#399) - Limit link file size (#393) - Full testthat v3 compatibility (#394) - Make headers in help hover look prettier (#392) - Options completion (#389) - Improve hover for function docs (#387) - Implement Call Hierarchy provider (#373) - Remove ‘(’ from completion trigger chars (#374) - Improve token completion (#372) - Preserve argument order in argument completion (#370) - Add ‘(’ to completion trigger characters (#369) - Use empty string instead of NULL as default signature doc (#371) - Add hover to function symbol formals (#367) - Implement selectionRangeProvider (#366) - Recognize symbols created by delayedAssign / assign / makeActiveBinding (#364) - use expect_setequal() may fit better (#363)

languageserver 0.3.9

languageserver 0.3.8

languageserver 0.3.7

languageserver 0.3.6

languageserver 0.3.5

languageserver 0.3.4

languageserver 0.3.3

languageserver 0.3.2

languageserver 0.3.1

languageserver 0.3.0

languageserver 0.2.6

languageserver 0.2.5

languageserver 0.2.4

languageserver 0.2.3