Route networks with stplanr

This vignette is work in progress - watch this space!

#> Warning in fun(libname, pkgname): rgeos: versions of GEOS runtime 3.10.1-CAPI-1.16.0
#> and GEOS at installation 3.9.1-CAPI-1.14.2differ


Route networks represent the network of highways, cycleways, footways and other ways along which transport happens. You can get route network data from OpenStreetMap (e.g. via the osmdata R package) and other providers or transport network data.

Creating route networks from overlapping routes

Unlike routes, each segment geometry in a route network can only appear once.

stplanr can be used to convert a series of routes into a route network, using the function overline(), as illustrated below:

sample_routes <- routes_fast_sf[2:6, 1]
sample_routes$value <- rep(1:3, length.out = 5)
rnet <- overline(sample_routes, attrib = "value")
plot(sample_routes["value"], lwd = sample_routes$value, main = "Routes")
plot(rnet["value"], lwd = rnet$value, main = "Route network")

The above figure shows how overline() breaks the routes into segments with the same values and removes overlapping segments. It is a form of geographic aggregation.

Identifying route network groups

Route networks can be represented as a graph. Usually all segments are connected together, meaning the graph is connected. We can show that very simple network above is connected as follows:

touching_list = st_intersects(sample_routes)
g = igraph::graph.adjlist(touching_list)
#> [1] TRUE

A more complex network may not be connected in this way, as shown in the example below:

# piggyback::pb_download_url("r_key_roads_test.Rds")
u = ""
rnet_disconnected = readRDS(url(u))
touching_list = sf::st_intersects(rnet_disconnected)
g = igraph::graph.adjlist(touching_list)
#> [1] FALSE

The elements of the network are clearly divided into groups. We can identify these groups as follows:

rnet_disconnected$group = rnet_igroup(rnet_disconnected)


An important feature of route networks is that they are simultaneously spatial and graph entities. This duality is captured in sfNetwork objects, which can be created by the function SpatialLinesNetwork():

sln <- SpatialLinesNetwork(rnet)
#> [1] "sfNetwork"
#> attr(,"package")
#> [1] "stplanr"

sln has both spatial and graph components, with the number of lines equal to the number graph edges:

#> [1] "sf"         "data.frame"
#> [1] 8
#> [1] "igraph"
#> [1] 8
#> [1] "list"
#> [1] 8
identical(sln@sl$geometry, rnet$geometry)
#> [1] TRUE
sln_nodes <- sln2points(sln)
#> [1] 9
#> [1] 9
rnet_coordinates <- sf::st_coordinates(rnet)
x <- runif(n = 2, min = min(rnet_coordinates[, 1]), max = max(rnet_coordinates[, 1]))
y <- runif(n = 2, min = min(rnet_coordinates[, 2]), max = max(rnet_coordinates[, 2]))
crs <- sf::st_crs(rnet)
xy_sf <- sf::st_as_sf(data.frame(n = 1:2, x, y), coords = c("x", "y"), crs = crs)
xy_nodes <- stplanr::find_network_nodes(sln = sln, x = x, y = y)

Routing on route networks

Currently not running due to issues with dev version of dplyr:

# plot(rnet$geometry)
# plot(sln_nodes, add = TRUE)
# xy_path <- sum_network_routes(sln = sln, start = xy_nodes[1], end = xy_nodes[2], sumvars = "length")
# # xy_path = sum_network_links(sln = sln, start = xy_nodes[1], end = xy_nodes[2])
# plot(rnet$geometry)
# plot(xy_sf$geometry, add = TRUE)
# plot(xy_path$geometry, add = TRUE, lwd = 5)

Adding new nodes

New nodes can be added to the network, although this should be done before the graph representation is created. Imagine we want to create a point half way along the the most westerly route segment in the network, near the coordinates -1.540, 53.826:

new_point_coordinates <- c(-1.540, 53.826)
p <- sf::st_sf(geometry = sf::st_sfc(sf::st_point(new_point_coordinates)), crs = crs)

We can identify the nearest point on the network at this point and use that to split the associated linestring:

sln_new <- sln_add_node(sln = sln, p = p)
route_new <- route_local(sln = sln_new, from = p, to = xy_sf[1, ])
plot(p, add = TRUE)
plot(route_new, lwd = 5, add = TRUE)
#> Warning in plot.sf(route_new, lwd = 5, add = TRUE): ignoring all but the first
#> attribute

Other approaches

Other approaches to working with route networks include: