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svrep provides methods for creating, updating, and analyzing replicate weights for surveys. Functions from svrep can be used to implement adjustments to replicate designs (e.g. nonresponse weighting class adjustments) and analyze their effect on the replicate weights and on estimates of interest.


You can install the released version of svrep from CRAN with:


You can install the development version from GitHub with:

# install.packages("devtools")

Example usage

Suppose we have a replicate-weights survey design object created with the survey package. This survey design object can include respondents, non-respondents, and cases with unknown eligibility.

data(api, package = "survey")

# Create variable giving response status
apiclus1$response_status <- sample(x = c("Respondent", "Nonrespondent",
                                         "Ineligible", "Unknown eligibility"),
                                   size = nrow(apiclus1),
                                   replace = TRUE)

# Create replicate-weights survey design
dclus1 <- svydesign(data = apiclus1,
                    id = ~dnum, weights = ~pw, fpc = ~fpc)

orig_rep_design <- as.svrepdesign(dclus1)

#> Call: as.svrepdesign.default(dclus1)
#> Unstratified cluster jacknife (JK1) with 15 replicates.

Adjusting for non-response or unknown eligibility

It is common practice to adjust weights when there is non-response or there are sampled cases whose eligibility for the survey is unknown. The most common form of adjustment is “weight redistribution”: for example, weights from non-respondents are reduced to zero, and weights from respondents are correspondingly increased so that the total weight in the sample is unchanged. In order to account for these adjustments when estimating variances for survey statistics, the adjustments are repeated separately for each set of replicate weights. This process can be easily implemented using the redistribute_weights() function.

# Adjust weights for unknown eligibility
ue_adjusted_design <- redistribute_weights(design = orig_rep_design,
                                           reduce_if = response_status %in% c("Unknown eligibility"),
                                           increase_if = !response_status %in% c("Unknown eligibility"))

By supplying column names to the by argument of redistribute_weights(), adjustments are conducted separately in different groups. This can be used to conduct nonresponse weighting class adjustments.

nr_adjusted_design <- redistribute_weights(design = ue_adjusted_design,
                                           reduce_if = response_status == "Nonrespondent",
                                           increase_if = response_status == "Respondent",
                                           by = c("stype"))

Comparing estimates from different sets of weights

In order to assess whether weighting adjustments have an impact on the estimates we care about, we want to compare the estimates from the different sets of weights. The function svyby_repwts() makes it easy to compare estimates from different sets of weights.

# Estimate overall means (and their standard errors) from each design
overall_estimates <- svyby_repwts(
  rep_designs = list('original' = orig_rep_design,
                     'nonresponse-adjusted' = nr_adjusted_design),
  formula = ~ api00, FUN = svymean
print(overall_estimates, row.names = FALSE)
#>           Design_Name    api00       se
#>  nonresponse-adjusted 646.4465 30.66081
#>              original 644.1694 26.32936

# Estimate domain means (and their standard errors) from each design
domain_estimates <- svyby_repwts(
  rep_designs = list('original' = orig_rep_design,
                     'nonresponse-adjusted' = nr_adjusted_design),
  formula = ~ api00, by = ~ stype, FUN = svymean
print(domain_estimates, row.names = FALSE)
#>           Design_Name stype    api00       se
#>  nonresponse-adjusted     E 641.9463 34.19443
#>              original     E 648.8681 25.37430
#>  nonresponse-adjusted     H 699.5455 14.24657
#>              original     H 618.5714 46.34412
#>  nonresponse-adjusted     M 643.3429 41.47212
#>              original     M 631.4400 33.68762

We can even test for differences in estimates from the two sets of weights and calculate confidence intervals for their difference.

estimates <- svyby_repwts(
  rep_designs = list('original' = orig_rep_design,
                     'nonresponse-adjusted' = nr_adjusted_design),
  formula = ~ api00, FUN = svymean

#>                      nonresponse-adjusted original
#> nonresponse-adjusted             940.0856 784.1324
#> original                         784.1324 693.2352

diff_between_ests <- svycontrast(stat = estimates,
                                 contrasts = list(
                                   "Original vs. Adjusted" = c(-1,1)
#>                       contrast     SE
#> Original vs. Adjusted  -2.2771 8.0657
#>                           2.5 %   97.5 %
#> Original vs. Adjusted -18.08562 13.53147

Diagnosing potential issues with weights

When adjusting replicate weights, there are several diagnostics which can be used to ensure that the adjustments were carried out correctly and that they do more good than harm. The function summarize_rep_weights() helps by allowing you to quickly summarize the replicate weights.

For example, we can check to see that post-stratification correctly removes variation in the column sums of the replicate weights.

# Post-stratify the design
post_stratified_design <- postStratify(design = orig_rep_design,
                                       strata = ~ stype + awards,
                                       population = xtabs(~stype + awards,
                                                          data = apipop))
# Compare overall summaries of the weights
  'original' = summarize_rep_weights(orig_rep_design,
                                     type = 'overall'),
  'post-stratified' = summarize_rep_weights(post_stratified_design,
                                            type = 'overall')
#> $original
#>   nrows ncols degf_svy_pkg rank avg_wgt_sum sd_wgt_sums min_rep_wgt max_rep_wgt
#> 1   183    15           14   15        6194    403.1741           0    36.26464
#> $`post-stratified`
#>   nrows ncols degf_svy_pkg rank avg_wgt_sum  sd_wgt_sums min_rep_wgt
#> 1   183    15           14   15        6194 6.431099e-13           0
#>   max_rep_wgt
#> 1        93.4

When carrying out nonresponse adjustments, we might want to make sure that column sums are the same before and after the adjustments.

# Summarize each column of replicate weights,
# before and after non-response adjustments
orig_rep_col_summaries <- summarize_rep_weights(orig_rep_design, type = 'specific')
adj_rep_col_summaries <- summarize_rep_weights(nr_adjusted_design, type = 'specific')

#>   Rep_Column   N N_NONZERO      SUM     MEAN       CV MIN      MAX
#> 1          1 183        96 6237.518 34.08480 1.086404   0 179.4969
#> 2          2 183        97 6491.370 35.47197 1.066158   0 158.8797
#> 3          3 183        97 6563.900 35.86830 1.086089   0 181.0731
#> 4          4 183        94 6164.989 33.68846 1.113185   0 177.4097
#> 5          5 183        98 6563.900 35.86830 1.074456   0 181.0731
#> 6          6 183        97 6491.370 35.47197 1.080886   0 180.3158

# Compare the sums and number of nonzero entries
# before and after adjustment
weight_summaries  <- rbind(cbind(orig_rep_col_summaries, Design = 'Original'),
                           cbind(adj_rep_col_summaries, Design = 'NR-adjusted'))

weight_summaries <- weight_summaries[,c("Rep_Column", "Design", "N_NONZERO", "SUM")]
weight_summaries <- weight_summaries[order(weight_summaries$Design, decreasing = TRUE),]
weight_summaries <- weight_summaries[order(weight_summaries$Rep_Column),]
rownames(weight_summaries) <- NULL

#>   Rep_Column      Design N_NONZERO      SUM
#> 1          1    Original       172 6237.518
#> 2          1 NR-adjusted        96 6237.518
#> 3          2    Original       179 6491.370
#> 4          2 NR-adjusted        97 6491.370
#> 5          3    Original       181 6563.900
#> 6          3 NR-adjusted        97 6563.900